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as a Preventive health concierge for companies

We find, PLAN and IMPLEMENT the best solutions to keep you Healthy, happy and performant

Our angle : Evaluating organizations and customizing programs to sustain the well-being and health of teams.

1. Auditing THE well being and health NEEDS  
Want to know more on how to start ? Contact Us



amazing facts about the One Health (r)evolution


death caused by Non transmittable diseases are due to chronic conditions...most are evitable.

2-4 Trillion

forecast for the bio-revolution (annual direct economic potential globally in 2030–40).


81% of Z generation  believe the private sector should lead the way in shifting to cleaner technology and 59% want to work in sustainability.

1O years

adoption of some principles can make you win 10 years in good health.

Be serene

We are a Well-being and health concierge Empowering CSR Impact

IMPLEMETING for you the best solutions

Coaching - TEACHING - Mentoring

Empowering CSR Impact Through Proactive Health Integration

The Health & Well Being Paradox

The saying "prevention is the best medicine" stands as a universal truth that starkly reminds us each time we find ourselves in the grip of illness. Frequently, individuals postpone taking care of their well-being until they fall ill. This delay might stem from time constraints, a lack of motivation to prioritize health, an incomplete grasp of the significance of illness prevention and its methods, or even an absence of the means to access reliable healthcare.In certain instances, individuals might also lack familial or community support to embark on a health-focused journey. It is crucial to realize that tending to one's health has the potential to avert numerous ailments and enhance the overall quality of life over the long term.

Food, air and environment poisoning

At OMEO, our objective is to pinpoint and comprehend the origins of chronic toxicity that inevitably infiltrate all of our lives, along with the threats they present. Our earnest endeavor revolves around mitigating these perils to the best of our abilities and aiding individuals in recognizing their innate capacities to manage unavoidable toxic encounters. We possess the capability to accurately assess an individual's degree of exposure and the contextual circumstances of their surroundings to unearth potential hazards. Subsequently, we offer actionable suggestions to curtail these risks effectively

Making Concrete Changes

When the path forward is clear yet its execution remains challenging, it's an opportune moment to harness the strength of a collective effort. At OMEO, we introduce pragmatic and pertinent initiatives that can be collectively undertaken. We refer to these endeavors as 'Super Will Team Fun Projects.' As an illustration, nurturing a 'green wall' or greenhouse facilitates year-round vegetable cultivation, defying seasonal limitations. This translates to a consistent supply of fresh produce, unbound by the constraints of changing seasons. The micronutrients cultivated collectively within your team provide an unparalleled means to manifest theory into action!

Sleep disorders & chronobiology

Our strategy for upholding general health and well-being places a central emphasis on overseeing physiological functions, including metabolism. Tackling the underlying triggers of disorders associated with these functions stands as a primary objective for us. Through meticulous management of elements like hormones, daily routines, and light exposure, we can expedite noteworthy enhancements within a relatively brief span.

Nutrition and metabolism

The timeless saying 'we are what we eat' underscores the vital link between food and a thriving metabolism. This connection has held paramount importance across history and has gained even greater significance in modern times with the ubiquity of processed and industrialized foods. At OMEO, we adopt a holistic perspective on these matters, integrating the latest strides in nutrition, micronutrition, and functional medicine to foster peak health and well-being.

Hormones and neurostransmitters

Hormones and neurotransmitters play a vital role in ensuring efficient communication within the body. At OMEO, we offer strategies to optimize these processes through personalized assessments using functional and biochemical testing. This allows us to identify any potential disruptions in biological communication and develop targeted solutions.

Predisposition to resilience

We hold the conviction that prevention can be significantly achieved by deepening our comprehension of an individual's capacity to counter adverse environmental influences. At OMEO, we factor in multiple biological variables, encompassing an individual's genetic composition, to enhance their ability to withstand such influences and enhance their holistic health and well-being."

e-Health and data Protection

We are deeply dedicated to safeguarding our clients' data and employ cutting-edge tools to ensure secure communication. Our clients maintain full ownership and authority over their personal data, which is stored on their individual devices rather than on cloud platforms. This approach empowers them to oversee the sharing process and guarantees the integrity of their data. Our team is resolutely committed to delivering swift and dependable service, and we make it a goal to address all inquiries within a span of two business days.

Medical / Well-Being Conciergerie

Medical concierge services deliver individualized healthcare that is meticulously tailored to the unique requirements and objectives of each patient. They also facilitate swift access to care, minimizing appointment wait times and offering greater scheduling flexibility. Moreover, these services orchestrate the collaboration among various healthcare providers to ensure a harmonious integration of all treatment facets. Ultimately, they offer convenience and potentially lead to cost savings for patients by curbing the necessity for superfluous tests or treatments.

Mission statement

Our objective is to discover, validate, elucidate, and put into action novel techniques, tools, experts, and services from institutional, academic, or private sectors. Despite the remarkable strides in technology and medicine achieved over the past century and a half, the delicate equilibrium between human well-being and the global environment is currently under significant threat. Nevertheless, the expertise and practical solutions exist; they are just not easily accessible.OMEO is dedicated to establishing a tangible and expert network of knowledge and skills for those who are deeply committed to effecting rapid improvements within their professional spheres. The field of life sciences has been rapidly progressing for half a century, and the swift integration of these advancements into comprehensive personalized and preventive medicine poses a novel challenge. With a sense of modesty and excitement, we are embracing a new role: that of a medico-scientific concierge.

François Dohet
François Dohet 
founder omeo

Engaged in the Life Sciences industry for over three decades, François holds a Master's degree in Biology and has pursued further education in Business Administration, Innovation Management, Genetics & Epigenetics, Molecular Diagnostics, Preventive, Anti-Aging, and Environmental Medicine. A decade ago, François made the deliberate choice to focus his efforts on translating the most cutting-edge innovations into genuinely valuable and purposeful services.

The team

a Bunch of life science nerds

The OMEO network is composed of medical doctors, biologists, data-scientists, misc health professional, e-Health professionals, passionated and trained to hack the toxic impact of modern life.
Happy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO usersHappy OMEO users

Dr Claude Dalle








François Dohet

francois dohet

Omeo Project Manager

Active on the Life Sciences sector since 30 years. Holding a Master in Biology and additional trainings in Business Administration, Innovation Management, Genetics & Epigenetics, Diagnostics, Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine. François decided 10 years ago to dedicate himself to the translation of the finest innovations onto "really useful and meaningful" services. A way to combine a passion for Life Sciences and to cope with the tremendous challenges of helping humans to deserve staying member of the Earth ecosystem.

Stay in touch

contact us

MOBILE : +352 691 236 166
+32 496 23 20 15
6, an der GÄsselchen
L-9775 weicherdange, G.-D. Luxembourg

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